Quality Systems

Our highly skilled team is focused on systems to ensure that we meet our customer and quality standards every time. We have developed a quality system to meet the ISO 9001: 2000 standard. To meet this standard our quality policy is incorporated into every aspect of our business.


Masters Empire Group is engaged in the business of providing building and construction contracting services and this policy applies to all of our divisions. The purpose of this policy is to confirm our commitment to meeting the quality standards expected by our customers in the delivery of the products and/or services that we supply to them. Our quality system is based on the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 Our quality objectives are to: use the Quality Management System as a tool in achieving best practice outcomes across the organisation ensure continuous improvement.

To implement this policy we shall focus on the needs of our business with particular reference to consistently meeting our customers’ requirements and statutory obligations. Our quality management system will provide mechanisms for detecting system shortfalls and for stimulating process improvements. Masters Empire Group will adopt procedures and disciplines to ensure that: the system is effectively implemented by undertaking relevant skills training and conducting appropriate quality awareness training responsibilities for quality are established by communicating these responsibilities clearly to all employees the policy and procedures continue to be appropriate by initiating regular reviews to check its effectiveness and ongoing relevance, and the company regularly review the needs and expectations of our customers and initiate continuous improvement activities to meet these expectations.

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